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How do I join a group plan?

Enjoy access to IMDbPro with simplified billing managed by the group plan admin. If you have been invited to an IMDbPro group plan membership, you can join the plan by accepting the email invitation. 

Join a IMDbPro Group plan

To join a IMDbPro group plan, you will need to be invited by the group plan admin, and to sign-in using an Amazon account.

  1.  Have the plan admin add you to their group plan membership.
  2.  You'll receive an email with a link to join. Open it and click on the Accept button.
    1. If you are already signed into IMDbPro, select Join
    2. If you are not signed into IMDbPro, sign-in using your Amazon credentials and select the Join button.

Leave a IMDbPro Group plan

If you have already joined a IMDbPro group plan and would like to leave the group, you will need to be removed by the group plan admin.

  1. Have the plan admin remove you from their group plan.
  2. Both you and the plan admin will receive a confirmation email notifying the change when you have been removed from the group plan membership.

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