Help Center

Why would you display such a negative user review on a title page?

IMDb provides the "User Reviews" feature as a forum where users can freely express their opinions about films and shows. The reviews found on that page are posted by our users and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the IMDb or its staff. We only require that users follow our broad guidelines for acceptable content but do not impose any special editorial guidance over them.

Due to space limitations, only one user review can be featured on the main title page - the featured review is changed frequently and selected from among the most useful reviews.

If you've found a review that violates our guidelines, please click  at the bottom of the review and and select Report (see example below). You can then select the appropriate reason from the list then click submit. We will not remove a review unless it violates our guidelines. Due to the volume of traffic, we are unable to follow up on individual reports.

example of report button for user reviews

If you want us to investigate potential abuse, please provide the URL to the exact user review and include the author's name and review's summary via our contact form by selecting IMDb Fan/Contributor questions > Titles > Title user reviews followed by E-mail and our customer service can look into this for you. 

We will not however alter or influence the placement of valid reviews on the main page based on their negative or positive content.

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