User review guidelines
The minimum length for reviews is 600 characters to ensure the most value to our users. Reviews which are padded with junk text will be discarded.
What to include:
IMDb is pleased to provide this forum for you to air your opinions on your favorite (or not-so-favorite) movies and TV-series.
Your reviews should focus on the title's content and context. The best
reviews include not only whether you liked or disliked a movie or TV-series,
but also why. Feel free to mention other titles you consider similar and how
this one rates in comparison to them.
Reviews that are not specific to the
title will not be posted on our site. Please write in English only and note
that we do not support any mark-up (HTML, XML etc.) within the reviews apart from linking names and titles.
What not to include:
Resist the temptation to review on other reviews or features visible on the
page. This information (and its position on the page) is subject to change
without notice. A review form is not an appropriate place to tell us there are
errors in the database. If you'd like to tell us about a specific problem,
please click the 'Edit page' button near the bottom of the title page.
Also, please do not include the following:
Reviews that discuss other reviews or users or features visible on the page
Not acceptable:
- the left want to rewrite history in the way they deem it acceptable and true (well, in their eyes). And, I'll be surprised if this review is allowed to be posted. These are the same people that do not want to be criticized or spoken against, and if you do, then you're a racist, sexist, bigot, hater, and all the other buzz words one can think of (references our posting guidelines)
- The positive reviews below have 200 downvotes this morning alone and it hasn't even came out yet. Not until later today (references other reviews and mentions facts that are subject to change)
- This comment is in response to the review by JoePoopyPants, who wrongly claims the film is a metaphor for depression (references other review/user
- I can't believe this movie is rated 8.9 when at best it deserves a 5 (references user rating, which is also subject to change
- While most reactions to the film have been negative, I feel like it is being unfairly judged by most critics (only references general reactions to the film, not specific reviews or users)
Any content that is libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, or inflammatory
Not acceptable:
- The director is a pervert who has been known to molest kids (potentially defamatory)
- If I ever met the screenwriter of this trash, I will kick his ass (threatening)
- Anyone who likes this film should is an imbecile who should have their head checked (inflammatory general statement against a whole category of users)
- Only racists and homophobes can enjoy this crap (Inflammatory statement)
- Don’t listen to the negative reviews left by racist (Inflammatory statement)
- This is the worst example of commercial dreck Hollywood ever committed to film (A bit hyperbolic but a valid criticism)
Profanity, obscenities, or spiteful remarks (even if partially censored/disguised)
Not acceptable:
- You must be F***ing crazy to want to watch this more than once (use of profanity, even though obscured by asterisks)
- The director of the film is a blabbering idiot (personal attack against an individual)
- I wish the entire cast of the film died in a plane crash (personal attack)
- Joe Smith is a fat slob who must have been high on crack when he filmed this (personal attack)
- The basic premise of the story is idiotic (idiotic is acceptable as a generic criticism and not an obscenity)
- Joe Smith’s cinematography is bland and unimaginative (acceptable criticism)
Expressions of hatred or intolerance or negative sentiment towards people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability, including story or characters (real or fictional) and actions/institutions/beliefs associated with them (e.g. sexual acts, religious practices etc.). Reviews criticizing the existence of characters that fall into the category of a protected group are not allowed.
Not acceptable:
- This is another shameless attempt to push the homosexual agenda on viewers (Expression of intolerance towards a protected group)
- The film would have been better if it weren't for its predominantly Asian cast (Negative sentiment towards a protected group)
- This documentary was endorsed by BLM leaders, which tells you all you need to know about its quality and honesty (Negative expression about a protected group)
- And, at the risk of being branded as 'transphobic' - the worst of all is [named actor]. Good grief but this person cannot act, but why bother when the writers have made the character of Ian just be the 'actor'? Chewing the scenery in every scene and delivering lines like it's the first time they've ever seen them. (Inflammatory)
- This is a beautiful and heart warming film about a teenage girl in a deaf family. I am very happy that someone made a film about the challenges of a marginalized and forgotten group (reference to protected group is positive, not derogatory)
- This show raises important questions on the treatment of people of color in modern society (reference to protected group is positive, not derogatory)
Name calling directed towards performers, filmmakers, producers, celebrities and any other identifiable individuals, characters (fictional or non-fictional) or institutions (e.g. production company).
Not acceptable:
- [Named actor] is a pint-sized nutjob who believes in aliens and should be sent to an insane asylum (Ad-hominem attack against an individual)
- I watched the first two episodes and, while it may not be exactly pure Tolkien (neither was Peter Jackson's films), I throughly loved the show. Kudos to Amazon for bringing Tolkien back to the big screen! (Reference to Amazon is not an insult)
- Unfortunately PJ wasn't able to capture the same magic with the hobbit. And I feel Amazon will continue to stomp Tolkiens work into the ground (Reference to Amazon is a criticism but not an insult)
- [Named actor]’s acting is worthy of an Oscar. I truly believed he was a Vietnam vet (Neutral or positive reference to a celebrity)
- [Named actor] was completely terrible in this role and it made me cringe (Valid criticism against the performance, not the individual)
- Did everyone in this show go to the Brian Blessed School of acting? The thing with Brian Blessed is that there's only one of them and he's used judiciously (Valid Criticism against the acting)
- The lead actor is possible the worst thing about this whole production. He has the skill of [named actor] when it comes to acting. Just awful nonsense (Valid Criticism against the acting)
Negative mentions of casting decisions based on race, or calling out diversity in a negative light.
Not acceptable:
- That one Superhero TV show that was hijacked by BLM to "save face" Inappropriate and immoral. Worst choice in changing from a white hero to a black hero mid-show. (Negative reference to race in casting)
- I don't mind the ethnic diversity as long as the actors do a good enough job (Indicates issues with diverse casting)
- Also there has been backlash around people of color being casted for roles. The issue isn't that people of color have been casted, it's that some of the roles aren't believable. (negative connotation around casting, saying casting for diversity is controversial)
- The controversial casting, skin color is not according to the canon, which many were afraid to see in the series, did not spoil the series, but added some zest. (negative connotation around casting, saying casting for diversity is controversial)
Personal opinions or speculation on real life events or subject matter on which a film is based
Not acceptable:
- The Dahomey were terrible people. They killed parents and made children watch. We know all this from an account of a black American slave, Cujo Lewis, who was enslaved by the Dahomey and sold in America. He talked about how they marched the children to the slave hold while holding the severed heads of their parents. Thats who the Dahomey were. When slavery was ended, they did not take the news well. The French were NOT trying to take their territory (Discusses only facts/subject matter rather than how the film deals with it)
- The film is about the fake Covid epidemic, which is an invention of the government to keep the population under control and to force them to receive a poisonous vaccine (Speculation about real life events or topics)
- Set against the backdrop of the 2020 presidential election, which was stolen by Joe Biden, the film is a biting satire of the American political system (Personal (and inflammatory) opinions about real life events)
- The story takes place during the Covid lockdowns, and shows how the protagonist managed to find love despite the pandemic (Simply mentions real life event in the context of the review
- Time-sensitive material (i.e. mentions of events, promotional tours, seminars, lectures, etc.)
- Avoid unannounced Spoilers! Please don't reveal crucial plot elements, if you include spoilers without warning readers in advance, your review may be subject to removal. To label a spoiler make sure you check the ‘contains spoilers’ checkbox. Also, please never include spoilers in your review header as this is always visible
- Phone numbers, mail addresses, URLs, email addresses, links to Twitter or Facebook pages etc.
- Availability, price, or ordering/shipping information.
- Advertising, promotions or solicitations of any kind
- Writing in ALL-CAPS!
Any review in violation of these guidelines will not be posted or may be
edited to conform to the guidelines. In addition, IMDb reserves the right not
to post any review for any reason.
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Additional Notes:
- All
submitted reviews become the licensed property of IMDb as set forth in our
copyrights page.
- Your
submission must be your own original work.
- You may only have one published user review per title.
- Please
write in English only. HTML is not supported though paragraph breaks will
be inserted if you leave a blank line between paragraphs.
- The maximum length for a user review is 10,000 characters.
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