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How can I delete my IMDb account?

Updated 23-January-2025

To delete your IMDb account please visit Delete your account, and click "Request account deletion" (you may need to log-in to IMDb again). 

A confirmation notification will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your account. You will need to follow the e-mail instructions within 5 days to verify your deletion request.

Please be aware that once your IMDb account is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Login methods with alternate providers (i.e. Amazon, Google, or Apple) provide an alternative method for logging into an existing or new IMDb account.

Once the account has been deleted, all of the associated ratings, lists and user reviews will be removed from IMDb - any other factual data submissions (such as filmography credits) submitted by the account will be retained

If you are attempting to cancel an IMDbPro membership, please visit the Cancel page while logged into your IMDbPro membership.

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