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Credit order
How do you decide if a title is a film, a TV movie or a Miniseries?
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In the connections section, what does 'references' mean?
Why is the same title listed twice on IMDb?
Why is the USA running time sometimes different from the running time for another country?
What are spoilers?
Some films have '(V)' or '(VG)' after the title. What does that mean?
How do I change the order credits are displayed on an IMDb page?
Why was a well known actor not listed in the credits?
What does uncredited mean?
What do the roman numerals, like (I) and (II), after a person's name mean?
What is the difference between "Screenplay" and "Written by" credits?
What do codes like [se] or [hr] following a production company or distributor mean?
How do I find out if a DVD has subtitles in another language?
I live in the US. Can I order a video from Amazon UK?
NewsDesk FAQ
Some films have '(V)' or '(VG)' after the title. What does that mean?
This is the meaning of those special attributes:
(TV) = made for TV (TV-movies, pilots, TV specials)
(V) = made for video or direct-to-video release
(VG) = video game
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