Thanks credits
This list includes all forms of "thanks" credits - special thanks, acknowledgement, dedications, etc.
This list is for people (both individuals and specific groups); companies and amorphous groups should be listed in the miscellaneous companies list. Anything not fitting into the previous categories (mythical beings, inanimate objects, etc.) should be listed as a crazy credit. In many animated movies, there is a list in the credits labeled "Production Babies", which are lists of the first names (only) of the babies born to staff while the film was being made. Production Babies should also be added to the crazy credits section. "In Memorium" tributes (where a still photograph or video clip of the individual in one of their famous roles appears on screen) should be added to the "thanks" section using the appropriate "occupation". They are not eligible for a cast (archive footage) credit. A movie connection should be added instead linking to the title from which the footage originates.
The specific form of thanks is treated as an "occupation" for this purpose. A list of the "occupations" currently being used can be displayed by clicking on the gray list icon (
) next to the occupation field.
'Uncredited' thanks credits are no longer accepted, and all existing examples of this type of credit are in the process of being removed.
Tracking your contribution
You can now track the status of your Credit submission and if it has not been approved, we'll tell you the reason why.
If you are using the mobile apps, mobile website or desktop website you can access this feature via the 'Track your contribution' button, which has been added to the submission email receipt. Additionally, if you are using the desktop website, you can also use the 'Track Contribution' button now found in your contribution history page.
Clicking this button will take you to IMDb Contributor,
our new contribution specific site where you will be shown the status of your request.